A Message From Toni, Our President
As I sit here on the floor , surrounded by the many cats / kittens, some wanting attention, others playing, the older ones sleeping… I reflect about what a year this has been. So many highs and lows, joy, excitement and sorrow, and many many tears. Tears for the ones we couldn’t save, as well as tears for the ones we were able to help , making a difference for that kitty to have a chance at a better life , and hopefully a Forever Home , where they will be Loved as part of a family.
We have overcome so many obstacles this year, You always panic when you are on your last bag of food or litter , wonder how your going to afford the vet bills, determined to believe that we will find the energy for all the vet appointments, surgeries, feeding, cleaning , medication, transporting , paperwork and adoptions… When your old body just wants to sleep, but then you see the many furry faces, paws reaching out to you and you know the answer, it’s the many faces right in front of me. THESE LIVES MATTER. I have been blessed to have had a chance to help so many in need, and for that I am Grateful.
I would like to THANK EVERYONE who has donated food, supplies, monetary assistance and special items we needed. I thank everyone who has adopted from us and all who have continuously SHARED our social media posts. Thank you to everyone that supports our fundraisers, without which we could not stay afloat.
To my fosters, I am SO GRATEFUL for helping these kitties have a chance at a better life. I couldn’t do this without you and I TRULY APPRECIATE it. To my small group of the rescue volunteers, Thank You for giving yourselves and your time to help with cleaning, laundry, dishes, medicating, taking pictures, and anything else that needed to get done. Thank you for interacting with the many shy kitties to help bring them out of their shells. We could not do what we do without each and everyone of you, and I couldn’t have asked for better supporters and friends.

….Now, I look around wondering where I am going to put 14 cats & kittens before the end of the year, but we will manage; we always do. They say it takes a village and ours has truly grown this past year. HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone and Thank You for helping us so we may continue to help all of them .
I have been Truly Blessed for each and everyone of you!